Twilight sensor - activates stand-by mode during the day
- Manufacturer SEQUA
- Order number: 9006
- Product description
The twilight sensor puts the SEQUA LED control units into an energy-saving stand-by mode during the day.
In stand-by mode, in addition to the automatic lighting, the approach and ambient lighting are also switched off during the day. This helps to avoid unnecessary energy consumption of your staircase lighting when the ambient brightness is sufficient. When darkness falls - with an adjustable threshold value - the LED control unit becomes active again and all functions are reactivated.
The brightness sensor is supplied in a particularly robust version, as it is also used in industry. Thus, the sensor is housed in a sturdy plastic housing, which protects it from contact and damage. The housing also makes it easier to install the sensor: only a 9 mm hole needs to be provided for mounting. In our Advisor article "And this is how it works" installation video we show how this is done. If it is not possible to mount the twilight sensor in a hole, we also offer optional matching Fascias for switch boxes mounting holes. The twilight sensor is "Made in Germany" - with 5 years warranty.
The installation of the twilight sensor
The twilight sensor can be installed anywhere on the stairs, or even in an adjacent room (with a window). As long as the sensor is not covered by furniture or pictures, or exposed to direct artificial light such as a hallway light, the most visually appealing position is the right solution for placement.
For optimal function and minimalist appearance, the installation is done separately from the motion sensor for this purpose. This has two advantages: First, the twilight sensor can be placed separately from the stairs - for example, in a storage room with a window - and outside the influence of artificial light - such as hallway lighting. This way, the twilight sensor does not react unintentionally to the switching on of the ceiling or hallway lighting and your staircase lighting remains active even when artificial light is switched on. On the other hand, the valuable appearance of the only visible component of the automatic system - the motion sensor - is not impaired by avoidable components.
The alternative to the twilight sensor is a switching of your automatic staircase lighting via an astro time relay. This is connected directly to the LED control unit and does not require any additional sensors or sensor lines. The staircase lighting is then switched according to the sunrise and sunset times - calculated daily and according to the season. All details can be found in the Article description of the astro time relay.
Technical data of the sensor
Length of the sensor cable: 120 cm (extendable). Sensor head: 50 mm x 9 mm.
- Twilight sensor with approx. 120 cm connection cable (extendable)
Funktioniert sehr gut
Den Dämmerungsschalter haben wir nachbestellt, damit das Licht am Tag ausbleibt. Funktioniert sehr gut! Vielen Dank an Sequa für die Hilfe am Telefon.
Die SEQUA Lichttechnik GmbH hat sich auf die Entwicklung innovativer Beleuchtungssysteme spezialisiert. Unser Anspruch: Zukunftsweisende Funktionen, hochwertige Qualität "Made in Germany" und zeitgemäße Energieeffizienz. So profitieren schon heute viele tausend zufriedene Kunden aus über 20 Ländern von unseren Produkten.
Als Erfinder der sensorgesteuerten LED-Treppenbeleuchtungen und Marktführer in diesem Segment, setzt SEQUA mit den eigens in Deutschland entwickelten LED-Steuergeräten neue Maßstäbe. Darüber hinaus bieten wir Ihnen gerne auch individuell auf Ihre Anforderungen zugeschnittene Beleuchtungslösungen an. Fundiertes Know-How und eine umfangreich ausgestattete Werkstatt (SMD-Bestückungsautomat, CNC-Fräsanlage, Laserschneider, UV/3D-Drucker, etc.) ermöglichen eine schnelle, moderne und kostengünstige Umsetzung.